Monday, July 12, 2010

Where do I get my inspriation from?

I've loved photography since I picked up my dad's old SLR Nikon - I loved changing the lenses, and seeing what images I could capture on film. Back then, there wasn't digital, we didn't have a computer, and it was all old school REAL film status. It would take several days for photographs to get back, and I was always giddy to see what images I had taken, and if they'd turned out.

Fast forward twenty years or so, and I have a digital camera and my iPhone's camera by my side at all times - if not literally in my hand. Before I could take up to 36 pictures before I had to change the film - now I can take thousands before I need to upload and delete images. I take for granted the luxury of shooting an object over and over until I get it "just right".

In college, I took almost all the photography classes that my local college had to offer - I loved the creativity, the freedom to explore what talents I may - or may not have. Unfortunately, I passed up the opportunity to major in photography, but still have love for capturing images on film. . . er, digitally. Inspired by a trip to Solvang, and seeing photographer Michael Mendizza's images (Z Folio Gallery) - His Tempation left me breathless, and with a new found love of capturing beauty in nature. My images are meant to be focal pieces, viewed over canvas, and in large format - 20 x 36 and larger.

I encourage you to view my gallery at and see if anything catches your eye. If not, maybe you can be my next inspiration!

Thanks! <3 Ayami

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